Happy New Year!!!!! As Jon and I were ringing in the New Year last night, we were reminiscing about 2007, counting our blessings and as always we remember that it was two years ago, New Year's Day that we escorted Kimmie to Oasis. I'll never forget how I felt that day- full of hope, relief, and gratitude that at the very least Kimmie would give treatment one more try. We were so impressed that you took the time on New Year's Day to come meet with us. Jon and I knew if we could get Kimmie to Oasis she'd have a fighting chance to get well. We could feel the warmth and love you and your staff had to offer even on tv!!!!
I am so happy and so very proud to tell you that Kimmie's doing so well, and in the next week will celebrate six months clean and sober!!! What a wonderful Christmas we enjoyed this year!!! Gone were the tears that came with hearing certain Christmas carols that reminded us of her this year we sang them together, we hoped for a "white christmas", instead of fearing that she may be cold, hungry, and alone, although we certainly prayed and remebered all who weren't as fortunate and blessed as we are. We will always believe you and Oasis are such a hugh part of her recovery. We just love and appreciate you and what you do so much Jim, you'll just never know. Although we don't see you often, we think of you and talk of you frequently and ALWAYS let people who are dealing with the disease of addiction that if they want to get well they need to do it right the very first time and go to Oasis. We will always feel gratitude and love for you and Oasis.
In addition to having Kimmie home alive and very well, we also have our beautiful grandchild Alivia, another little life that was cared for and helped along by Oasis! She's now almost two, and so perfect it's nothing short of one of God's miracles that we give so many thanks for!! She is so intelligent, so beautiful, really just an enchanting little creature whom we all love so much and are so very thankful for. What a gift!!! It really must feel extraordinary to know that you have helped so many people get well. I believe there are angels among us and many times when I look into my daughter's eyes, share a laugh or a hug with her, or pick up Alivia and put her on my lap to read her a story or just smell her hair I know that you must be one of them. Thank you...
We hope you and Kathy have a wonderful New Year filled with love, health, and beautiful memories!!!
With love and gratitude,
Keri & Jon F.
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